10 Tween Worthy Easter Basket Gifts


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Choosing Tween Easter gifts is hard. They too old for stuffed bunnies and cute baby toys. In fact, they often act as though they are already 16 and world weary.

At the same time, they still crave being kids, getting Easter gifts and at least pretending they believe in the Easter Bunny. Truthfully, I’m gathering ideas for Easter, Birthdays and Christmas all year long because the pressure to find gifts my kids will like and are age appropriate is intense!

A list of tween easter basket gifts

10 Tween Easter Gift Ideas

1. The kids have outgrown those simpler bunny and chick coloring books, but the more Complex Easter Coloring Books give kids creative options and a really cool finished picture.

2. The She Believed, So She Did Unicorn Necklace is so perfect for tween girls. It’s really cute with an inspiration message that can inspire any girl.

3. In keeping with the “unicorn theme,” Unicorn Farts is cotton candy in unicorn pink. For a generation raised with the popularity of the poop emoji, this right in line with tween thinking. They’ll love it! Plus, I’ve been told that a basket without candy is not truly an Easter basket.

4. Spring Colors Pony Tail Bands – We go through about 6 million of these things in a month. I had them out at every gift giving occasion, just to keep up with needed supplies. Don’t ask where they go… pretty sure they’re partying it up with the missing dryer socks.

5. By the time Spring has rolled around, all those shiny new school backpacks and totes are broken, stained and shapeless forms of themselves. A Emoji Drawstring Back Pack is not only practical, but something fun for the end of the school year.

6.Is there any tween or teen who doesn’t have a pair of Ear Buds hanging around their neck? These things are essential for their daily life; possibly more than food or underwear… They’re always a good gift, no matter what the occasion.

7. My son loves rocks. He’s got a huge rock collection. He loves to get Geodes and break them open to discover the crystals inside. If nothing else, he’ll happily spend the day outside pounding them open.

8. Do you kids like to read at night? Mine have picked up my habit of reading in bed. A book light will keep them reading, whether in bed at home, on the road or when we’re camping.

9.The Bean Boozled game has you eating “ear wax” or “vomit.” What kid wouldn’t die laughing at Mom or Dad eating one of those? Mine would. And then make me eat another.

10. Of course, what holiday would be complete without some popular and massively advertised on tv toy? Rocket Copters fit that bill! Actually, they’re pretty fun to shoot up in the sky. Supposedly, they can be seen a half of a mile away, so we’re wondering if there will be a spike in UFO sightings this summer?

Do you have any fun and unique recommendations for cool tween easter gifts?