Spring Break – Getting My Garden In

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This past week, we’ve been on Spring Break. I’ve been watching Facebook posts of all our friends traveling to warm places or cruises. While I love warm places, I haven’t had a single incident of FOMO. Instead, I’ve been catching up with everything that’s been put off outside because of nearly a month a rain. We had a storm system sitting off the coast for what seemed like an eternity.

The chickens have been settling into their new digs wonderfully. They are thrilled with all the worms and bugs in the grass. Meanwhile, I’ve been working on a plan to fix up the yard. After the years of neglect, it’s going to take a lot of work just figure out what was what.

You Never Know What Is Underneath

For example, last summer a contractor told me I had exposed pipes in my yard. Yikes! I went and found some that indeed, did look like black PVP piping heading from the general area of the water shut off and the water meter. It was also close to a broken gutter, so it was possible that years of freezing, soaking soil had “heaved” up the pipe. However, it seemed rather small for a water pipe, so I grabbed a shovel and started digging. Luckily, it was simply an old flowerbed border. I’ve also found several bricks, a sidewalk, and numerous animal holes. Early this spring, I was surprised with a long border of daffodils. I’m sure I’ll be finding surprises buried underground for many years to come.

I’ve also got a significant moss problem. Here in the Pacific Northwest, moss is the natural state for ground. It’s a battle to keep the grass fertilized and aerated against the months of winter rain. I don’t how long it’s been since anyone actively tried to combat the moss, but it’s been at least 5 years. There’s was two whole days of sun, so after mowing the lawn, I walked the whole thing with a moss killer. If you’ve never used it, but want to give it a try, you should know that it turns your lawn black. Creepy, but effective.


Add to the completed list, lettuce pots. I love having lettuce plants growing outside the kitchen door. When it’s time to make a salad, just grab a few leaves. Take them inside… wash, chop and serve! Super fresh and one of the best things about living in the Pacific Northwest. Lettuce grows great here!

Also, add to the completed list:

  • A mountain of laundry
  • gathering a bag of clothes for donation
  • teaching the kids how to play Monopoly
  • binge watching Roseanne and NCIS
  • Dental appointments

Still to be completed:

  • Raised bed on a hillside
  • Larger chicken pen
  • Spring Cleaning entry, bathroom, and playroom

I have to say, this week was way more relaxing than going to some fancy resort. I may not have cool photos to share or brag about my tan, but I will definitely be heading back to work with a relaxed family.


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