Dealing With The Daily Stress

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Was it only two weeks ago that all our lives changed so much? Was it only a week ago when the foundation shifted, the walls started to collapse and I forgot what it was like to sleep? Less than a week since my anxiety ramped up and the worst-case scenario ran non-stop through my mind? Dealing with stress and anxiety for a major upheaval usually means the daily stresses of life are exaggerated. The package that won’t open suddenly becomes a reason to scream and swear…

walking along a cliff of stress

Combatting Stress

As time has gone on, I’ve been trying to combat the stress. To release it and try to find some equilibrium. Or maybe just sleep at night.

  • Pet Cuddles. It’s a proven fact that pets can reduce your stress. Just petting a dog or cat can reduce harmful hormones your body releases during times of stress. They don’t judge you, they don’t have huge expectations; they just want to be present with you at the moment.
  • Exercise. It releases healthy hormones to help calm your stress reactions and let your mind focus on dealing with situations.
  • Go outside. Walking along, listening to the birds and the wind in the trees. The falling of the rain… it’s something inherent in our DNA that helps us relax and empty out our modern concerns. It’s no surprise that so many spiritual guides go outside to find answers.
  • Write it out. Sometimes, just writing out the issues and everything you’re worrying about can work wonders. For me, it helps me identify thought patterns that aren’t healthy or over-exaggerated. I can reflect on what I’ve written about and identify what is real and what is excessive.
  • Be proactive. In every situation, there are things you can control and those you can not. I’ve tried to be proactive on what I can control and make choices according to that, but let go of what I cannot control. I can not control the behavior of others and worry about that will only lead to more stress.
  • Breathe. Just taking a few minutes to stop and take some deep breaths can calm down anxiety caused stress. There are lots of apps for the iPhone, iWatch, and computer that will remind you to stop and breathe every so often. I highly recommend downloading one.

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