Moving to the New Coop – Raising Chickens

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Since January we’ve been on this adventure in raising chickens. This time last month, we moved our tween-age chickens out to the garage to start preparing for them to move outside full time. Instead of spring though, we got another few weeks of freezing weather and snow! Finally, the weather started warming up. The chicks were rapidly outgrowing their brooder and we moved them outside! They loved it!

Spring Storms

Two days later we got storm warnings and gale force winds moved in. Insert “of course” eye-roll. Instead of moving the chickens back into the cramped brooder, we tented the smaller part of the coop with a large tarp and prayed. Luckily, the coop is protected on two sides by the garage and a very large rhododendron. It’s also on the lower side of the yard, so it was protected from most of the wind. tented chicken coop for raising chickens in a storm

The storm sat on the coast for a week, with rain and wind every night. But every morning, all four chickens climbed down to hunt bugs in the grass and enjoy the short breaks in the weather.

10 Weeks Old

By the end of the week, the chicks will be approximately 10 weeks old. No longer chicks, we are raising chickens!

raising chickens

Lulu Leghorn – Check out Week 3 to see her awkward stage.

raising chickens in the backyard

Chic-a-corn, an Easter Egger

Other than the big storm, the chickens’ transition to coop has been relatively easy. They had a while to get used to colder temperatures with their extended sojourn in the garage brooder, We exposed them to the soil and earthworms from our yard before moving them into the coop. They have the same water and feeder as before. No problems in finding those.

In a couple of months, we should start seeing some fresh eggs!

Start from the beginning – The Beginning

We Have Eggs – Chickens at 6 Months

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