A New Normal

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It’s day one of our new normal. On Friday, all schools were shut down for the next six weeks. I can’t say there was a huge panic, just a lot of confusion. What would the next week bring? Should I be panicking? Should I be buying more food? What will close next? By Sunday, most schools across the country had closed, as had most restaurants, bars and any other gathering places.

It’s now Monday and the sun is shining. Spring is starting and it’s so incongruous with the news. It beautiful, colorful and fresh… and we are sitting inside wondering what will happen next. We are lucky though – we have food enough and an emergency fund to fall back on. We can pay our bills and we aren’t desperately searching for childcare. No one is sick. Our greatest danger is boredom and bickering.


It’s also our first day of homeschooling. A schedule and headphones are needed. The headphones are for me, by the way. Today we’ll make a schedule and figure out what online resources to use.

We also need to incorporate chores, gardening, caring for the animals. I know it sounds a little like Little House on the Prairie, but its really more like modern suburbia.

And, of course, there will be more gathering of information and checking on friends and family. Otherwise, it’s like that line from To Kill A Mockingbird, “There was no hurry, for there was nowhere to go, nothing to buy and no money to buy it with…But it was a time of vague optimism for some people: Maycomb County had recently been told that it had nothing to fear but fear itself.

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