Mental Health

Morning Coffee Ritual

Coffee cup colored white with colored polka dots on a wooden table
Jana / October 17, 2024

I’m not a natural early riser, especially as the days grow shorter. Once the sun rises after 7:30 a.m., my circadian rhythm and daily routine clash dramatically. Coffee, the nectar of the gods, seems like my only salvation in the morning. I don’t even need the caffeine anymore; the aroma is enough to perk me up. While I’m not fond…

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June Life

ice cream
Jana / June 27, 2018

School let out in a whirlwind. It seemed like every day was either a school event or an appointment that required at least an hour’s drive. It’s amazing how much can get crammed in those last days of school! Since then, we’ve been enjoying relaxing, sleeping in and having fun together! Ha! Ha! None of that is true… We’re up…

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Chickens, Writing

Rainy Days and Sundays

backyard chickens rooster
Jana / June 10, 2018

This past week has been a busy one! Graduation at the local high school means lots of preparations, events, and parties! During the graduation ceremony, all I could think about was how much closer I’ve gotten to being there as a parent. Ok, it’s 7 years away. But I have a feeling that those seven years will go by faster…

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Frugal Living, Writing

Wal-Mart Grocery Pick Up Service – Review

review of grocery pick up service
Jana / June 2, 2018

Every Memorial Day Weekend, we drive across the state to my mother’s hometown and spend the weekend with family and friends doing all the Memorial Day activities. We decorate all the graves at the cemetery (some are over 100 years old!), tell the stories of our family history and honor all those family members who have served in the military. It’s…

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Spring Break – Getting My Garden In

Jana / April 20, 2018

This past week, we’ve been on Spring Break. I’ve been watching Facebook posts of all our friends traveling to warm places or cruises. While I love warm places, I haven’t had a single incident of FOMO. Instead, I’ve been catching up with everything that’s been put off outside because of nearly a month a rain. We had a storm system…

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5 Reasons You Should Live In A Small Town

live in a small town
Jana / April 17, 2018

Last Summer, we moved to a town of 1600 souls. I chose for us to live in a small town. There is one grocery store, one drug store, one coffee shop and one tavern. Everything but the tavern is closed by 9 pm. It’s at least an hour drive to any city of consequence. In the past, I’ve lived in…

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Personal Organization

personal organization tools to enjoy life
Jana / March 23, 2018

Every spring my entire life goes a little off the rails. Working full time with 2 kids, 4 chickens, a cat, and a dog is can be frantic at times. From February to the middle of April, I’m working from 8 am until 8 pm and all those balls I’m trying to juggle come crashing down. My favorite line is…

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Road Trips With Tweens

road trip with tweens
Jana / March 2, 2018

Road trips with tweens are great! I really think it’s the sweet spot for road trips with kids, seriously. They don’t need a ton of extra stuff, are capable of holding their bladder for more than 10 minutes, AND they’re willing to eat things that aren’t chicken nuggets. The thing, however, that makes road trips with tweens so fun is…

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5 Things A Single Mom Needs to Make Life Easier

5 things single moms need
Jana / February 21, 2018

As a single mom, my life is busy. I’m always on the lookout for things to make my life easier without sacrificing our values. These are 5 things that I just can’t live without! (this post contains affiliate links. This means that, at no additional cost to you, if you click through and make a purchase, I will earn a commission) My…

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New House, New Adventure

blue house
Jana / February 11, 2018

The first time I drove by our new house, it looked huge. Way too big for our family to handle and probably requiring too much work to restore. But the yard… oh, the yard! I could see lots of space for a garden, chickens and maybe even apple trees! All the things I really wanted in a yard. And there…

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