Eventually, The Sun Comes Out

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It’s hard to see when you’re going through a darker time in life, but eventually, the sun does come out. At least, until new clouds gather, which isn’t very positive. However, it’s hard not to be wary. This whole year just seems to be me waiting for the next shoe drop.

Signs Things Are Getting Better

  1. Less irritability. I’m able to give grace to people a lot more. I’m able to give myself more grace. My reactions are slower and more thoughtful. This doesn’t mean that I would be taken advantage of or accept behavior that goes against my ethics or morals; I’m able to reflect and evaluate in more positive terms.
  2. Greater Interest in Things Outside of Myself… Daily walks with my neighbor, working with my dog in his training, thinking about my flowers. Tackling housing projects!

In the last month, I’ve recreated the opening between my living room and dining room. It’s still open, but now it’s matching the opening between living room and front hall with more support added to the second floor. I’ve painted the living room (and chose a color!), added new moulding and floor to ceiling bookshelves – my dream, forever – and will soon be tackling the dining room. Oh! And I got a REAL wood dining room table.

3. Eating normally. Eating healthy food. Fruits and vegetables; using my kitchen to cook in… all these things will add up to a healthier life and more energy in a healthy way (not, say… 100 cups of coffee).

4. Excitement for the future. When something negative happens in life, it’s hard to navigate through minute by minute. You feel frozen by a lack of control, by indecision, by the future. It’s hard to be excited about a future that you don’t see as positive. As we’re coming out of this pandemic, I’m seeing more time with family, seeing new things, meeting new people, returning to work. While those things might change in shape or format, they’re still there! And the change might be for the better!

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