Home bound Living

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You know the old curse of “may you live in interesting times”?… well, we’re living in interesting times. We’re pretty much home bound for the rest of month and probably longer. It was just announced that schools are closed for the rest of the year. While I’m sure that some cheered, but with most of the newness of being homebound has worn off and more were counting down the days to go back.

For service-oriented economy, there are surprisingly few services available. these days. It’s like that line from To Kill A Mockingbird: “There was no hurry, for there was nowhere to go, nothing to buy, and no money to buy it with, nothing to see outside…

facemask statue

It’s a bit surreal sitting in your home, safe, but knowing that outside of your little island things aren’t going so well. At my ripe old age of 50, I was just starting the stage of life where death notices came more frequently. Now, I have to wonder if they are coming at the rate of 60 year old or if it’s virus speeding things up.

We’re home bound. We’re safe in our home. Yet, at the same time, we are not. I have to wonder if we are relaxing in the colored rooms, waiting for Red Death. Or not. It’s the uncertainty that plays with your mind. Is it safe to be in the company of other people? If you want to risk it, are those people taking precautions seriously? Will we be able to go out in a month? In two months? Will we be able to travel? When will life return to normal? And what will that normal be?

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