Chickens, Writing

Rainy Days and Sundays

backyard chickens rooster
Jana / June 10, 2018

This past week has been a busy one! Graduation at the local high school means lots of preparations, events, and parties! During the graduation ceremony, all I could think about was how much closer I’ve gotten to being there as a parent. Ok, it’s 7 years away. But I have a feeling that those seven years will go by faster…

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Don’t Miss This! Amazing LanternFest Experience

floating lanterns lantern fest experience
Jana / June 8, 2018

Almost two months ago, I read about the LanternFest. It’s an event where everyone gets to send up their own floating lantern into the sky with a few thousand other people. I’ve seen them in movies and documentaries, but the idea of attending one myself was too much to resist. We had to have this LaternFest experience! One quick search…

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Frugal Living, Writing

Wal-Mart Grocery Pick Up Service – Review

review of grocery pick up service
Jana / June 2, 2018

Every Memorial Day Weekend, we drive across the state to my mother’s hometown and spend the weekend with family and friends doing all the Memorial Day activities. We decorate all the graves at the cemetery (some are over 100 years old!), tell the stories of our family history and honor all those family members who have served in the military. It’s…

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Life Happens

Hedgetoad Cottage with chickens
Jana / May 30, 2018

Every morning I wake up with a to-do list on my mind. Some days the list is done and some days, it’s forgotten two minutes after I’ve walked out the door. That’s just the way it works sometimes. The end of this month has been a busy one. We’ve traveled across the state twice – once with massive amounts of…

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5 Easy Vegetables to Grow For Anyone

5 easy vegetables to grow
Jana / May 15, 2018

When you first get interested in gardening, it can be a bit overwhelming. Most people remember growing some sort of bean plant in grade school in a little cup. As an adult, you see other people’s gardens and think, I grew that bean plant in elementary school, why not a garden? And then people start talking about growing seasons and…

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What I’m Watching

Hedgetoad Cottage with chickens
Jana / May 8, 2018

When Netflix first started, I jumped on it! Finally, I could “rent” a movie and not rack up $30 in late fees because I kept forgetting to take the damn movie back. By that time, I basically never rented movies because of those damn lates. With Netflix, I could the movie for a month and they didn’t care one bit!…

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Build A Raised Garden Bed on a Hill

raised garden bed design
Jana / May 6, 2018

Although I love my house, it’s built on the top of a hill. Great for flood protection; not so great for gardening. And the entire yard is grass and moss (so much moss, so much sadness). Also, not great for gardening. The best option is to build a raised garden bed and terrace them on the slope. It’s a lot…

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Moving to the New Coop – Raising Chickens

raising chickens
Jana / May 2, 2018

Since January we’ve been on this adventure in raising chickens. This time last month, we moved our tween-age chickens out to the garage to start preparing for them to move outside full time. Instead of spring though, we got another few weeks of freezing weather and snow! Finally, the weather started warming up. The chicks were rapidly outgrowing their brooder…

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Getting to Know… Me!

Jana / April 28, 2018

I’ve been writing this for a few months now, so I thought to do something that gave you a little more insight into who I am by answering a few questions. If this is the first time you’ve visited, you can also read my “About Me” page!  On with the questions! When was the last time you cried? This morning.…

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Unique Mother’s Days Gift Ideas for A Unique Mom

Hedgetoad Cottage with chickens
Jana / April 22, 2018

Mother’s Day is just around the corner. A quick look at Pinterest shows that projects for Mother’s Day gifts and projects are already trending. Those handmade gifts so cute! Really. I treasure them. You know what else I like? Things I want, but I wouldn’t buy myself because I’m too busy spending money on my family. Isn’t that what most…

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